
Nemanja 'Koba' Nikolić strengthens roster of FNC.

Nemanja "Koba" Nikolić remains undefeated in his professional MMA career with an unblemished record of 8 wins.

A new big regional name has joined the Fight Nation Championship - Nemanja 'Koba' Nikolić (30, 8-0-1). Nemanja is still undefeated in his career and is considered one of the most talented fighters in the middleweight category.

Nemanja still has no losses in his professional MMA career and behind him is an unblemished record of eight wins. That is why he is considered one of the most talented fighters in the region when it comes to the middleweight category. It should be noted that in his MMA career so far, Nemanja has built up his respectable record by fighting opponents who all have positive records, indicating only one thing - Koba does not "choose matches" and is eager to prove himself.

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